How it all started…
Years ago, in one of these mellow Parisian late nights, I was smoking Karim’s delicious weed while he was browsing the drawings of the day in my folder.
He pulled out two little inks and asked: “how much for these two?” I thought and answered: “Get out of here”.
He looked at me with some sort of pity and just sighed: “look mate, you are going to draw them, the next 5000 drawings, right?
” Yes, of course. “
Then sell them, stupid!”.
And he added:
“OK, you won’t take money but I’ll give you these two bags of weed for them, deal?”
It’s not a business, it’s a grace. And whathever the price, I’m deeply grateful.
Free shipping world wide (not tracked, let me know if you want it tracked).
Many of these images are censored on social media… I can’t say I feel bad about it 😉

Everything below is 30$. Free shipping still ;). Picasso said “sell cheap, send your work in the world”. Yes, sir!
Those are gone (I forget some)… With many thanks 🙂
If you fancy a print. Let me know if you want one I haven’t uploaded…
Peace, love and art !